5个专业可以帮助你开启有趣、高薪的职业生涯 - 新濠天地app大学-新濠天地app



当你考虑你未来的职业生涯, you may be thinking that you want to find an option that not only pays well but is also fun. 什么工作薪水高又有趣? The answer depends on your major, but these are some excellent choices.

  1. 市场营销专业

If you have the ability to talk about things so that other people will listen, 或者如果你能很容易地找到某物的值, a 市场营销专业 可能对你有用. These careers are full of potential for people with marketing training:


A social media manager uses social media to discuss the benefits and value of a brand. 通过社交媒体信息, 你可以建立品牌知名度, 提高产品或服务的可见性, 并与潜在客户互动. This career path works great for people who enjoy spending a lot of time online and interacting with people in an online environment.


什么是最有趣和高薪的工作? 对一些人来说,答案是制作YouTube视频. 这可能看起来不像是一个营销场所,但实际上它可以是. Whether you are creating content for brands or using marketing knowledge to gain viewership for your own content, you will put your marketing degree to good use with a YouTube career. There is quite a bit of money to be made here, too, with average payouts of 每1000次视频观看3到5美元根据Influencer Marketing Hub的说法.


A brand manager is in charge of all the marketing venues and public image needs of a brand. 他们安排新闻发布, 新闻发布会, 在线内容, 印刷的营销, 电视营销, 电台营销. They plan and implement marketing in order to advance a brand’s success.

  1. 英语专业(写作方向)

你认为英语专业的学生唯一要做的就是教书吗? 再想想. These are some exciting career paths that are not in the classroom with a degree in English with a 写作浓度:


The television and movie industry is always looking for a new writer to explore the next great idea. If you can write fiction well, you can put that English degree to work for you in this field. With a winning script, it just might be you on the awards platform accepting an Emmy.


随着自助出版的出现, 写作和出版一本书比以往任何时候都容易, 如果你有很多追随者, 你可以有不错的收入, 包括剩余收益, 作为一名作家. 除了, you can get some gigs ghostwriting books for people who have great ideas, 但写作能力差.


并不是所有的书写都是印刷的. 词曲作者还需要精通英语. 学的是英语专业,还受过一些音乐训练, 你可以创造出下一首流行歌曲.

  1. 计算机专业

计算机专业 为毕业生打开了一个充满可能性的世界. Some of the more interesting routes you can take with your career after this major include:


Those video games you love playing have some great computer science work behind them, 有了这个学位, 你可以成为下一款电子游戏的创造者. Video game developers work on large teams to create games that people love, 这是非常值得的. 对于这个角色, 您将需要能够编写代码, 创造3D和2D世界, 创造一个成功的用户体验. 


With a smartphone in nearly every hand, mobile app developers are in demand. These professionals create apps that do everything from entertaining users to working as marketing tools for brands. Developing apps requires knowledge of all mobile platforms and the ability to collaborate with branding professionals and software engineers.


Computers not only can work for you, but they are starting to have the ability to “think” as well. Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing in demand in everything from home security to government agencies. 人工智能开发人员是这些程序背后的大脑, helping companies get the tools they need to make the best use of computers.

  1. 体育管理专业

体育管理专业 让你从你对运动和竞技的热爱中创造一个职业. 这里有一些有趣的职业可以考虑:


成功的教练可以拥有非常有利可图的职业生涯. Coaches are needed on the professional, college, high school, and community levels. If you have a particular sport you love, you can teach it to the next generation as a coach.


如果你热爱运动, you can put a sports management degree to work as an athletic director for a university. You will oversee the school’s sports programs and athletic opportunities and help propel your teams to a winning season.


Sports agents scour the up-and-coming talent to recruit players for universities or professional teams. If you have a good eye for raw talent, this could be a fun and rewarding career path.

  1. 生物学专业

科学爱好者可以用一种 生物学专业 不用成为生物老师. 这种教育方式的职业选择包括:


生物学专业可以为将来从事医学工作奠定基础. If you find that you love biology, you can go on to medical school and receive training as a doctor. Your undergraduate degree will make your medical school journey much easier.


生物学与新濠天地app吃的东西有很大关系, and you can put your knowledge of the human body to work as a nutritionist. 营养学家s help people eat foods that fuel their bodies well and help them reach their personal health goals.


Biology majors often get a good feel for the ins and outs of the human body, 这使他们成为外科医生的好人选. 像医生一样,这些专业人士也必须上医新濠天地app.

如果你一直在问自己,“有哪些有趣的专业??” these are all good choices, and 新濠天地app大学 offers all of these programs. Reach out to an admissions counselor today to get started on your career path.

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